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November 2022

About physiological psychology, its methods, factors and theories in human life.
          Perspectives on physiological psychology                                     Introduction :  Welcome to all of you. I g...
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One of the most famous Arab philosophers of antiquity Canadian philosopher.
                       About the Canadian philosopher                                         Introduction : ...
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Why regret and heartbreak for the past of your life? This is over and over and you are still alive Where was your loss or problem, it is too late Rather learn and prepare for your life again, regret will not work now
                      Regret and heartbreak in                                          psychology and its treatment                     ...
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The good psychological state of a person and the reasons for reaching it, and does it always remain in its good condition? We'll analyze that here.
           Mental health and true happiness                           Introduction : Welcome to all of you, I greet you anywhere in th...
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Human behavior between analysis and criticism in psychology.
                            behavioral psychology                  Introduction :    Welcome to all of you and I welcome you wherever you...
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One of the most famous Greek philosophers (Socrates) is an ancient philosopher Research in man and his actions and argument.
                   Of the famous philosophers                                 (Socrates)                        Hello everyone, I greet y...
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Mental illnesses and their types in human life Are they all one disease or are there degrees of mental illness? What are its causes and what is its treatment?
               Mental illness, its causes and treatment.                             Welcome to all of you loved ones from anywhere in the ...
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Women in this world are the building block of society and the main component of it, and they are exposed to many harassment and challenges, the most important of which is violence against them.
& nbsp;         Cases of violence with women in the world.                                                        Introduction to the ...
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