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Why regret and heartbreak for the past of your life? This is over and over and you are still alive Where was your loss or problem, it is too late Rather learn and prepare for your life again, regret will not work now

                     Regret and heartbreak in                                          psychology and its treatment   


Introduction :

Welcome to all of you, my beloved, wherever you are in this world. I salute you all and welcome you. I miss you.

And I hope that you will be happy in your life because I love you happiness and I am today

I am talking about a very important topic that many people face in our lives

It is regret for something past or the loss of anything

Like losing your best friend

Or lose all your money

Or you make a mistake you didn't expect to happen and you regret it

Thus, anything that causes a person to regret in his life

And he continues to regret it and remains so remorseful and sad

Regret will not provide anything in the end, but will make you sicker

Here we will explain everything about regret and sadness over missing something important

I will explain this in detail in the analysis of this topic.

In the beginning we need to know what regret is

Is regret is sadness or anger

Or what is it? Let's go now to know remorse and heartbreak

Regret is the feeling of being wrong or guilty about something

And fall from you in your life and all you remember is this mistake

You regret, regret, and grieve because you made a mistake in that matter

You keep feeling this guilt and regret doing it and insisting inside you

Not to do it again in your life

And results from this remorse of the effects on one

Shortness of breath and fear of reality

And fear of the future

And the feeling of despair and frustration

All of this results from a state of remorse

Regret is a regret for the lost times

You should check where something useful

I regret losing all the money in spending it on something useless, then the money runs out, so you regret it

And you regret it and get very sad about this thing

This is the concept of remorse and heartbreak.

But what is the real, precious, precious thing that deserves to be truly regretted?

In order to answer this question, we need to know the truth about this life and what is the most precious thing in it

In order to deserve that we get it and realize it so that we don't miss it

And we regret his passing

Is it the most precious thing in life

is money

Is gold, sapphire and coral

Are palaces and precious treasures the most precious and greatest thing in that life?

No, the highest thing in this life is your time, because it is the time when you achieve your profits for this world and the hereafter

The time that passes by you is precious, and it will not come again

We must take advantage of what works so that we do not regret it

This is the real regret that really deserves to be regretted

Because all you have is time and time, and life ends with you

With the passage of this time, which, if it has passed, will not return again

And so is the truth of life that it is a time and it ends and you are who you are

You are nothing but days that cut you off towards your term and end

Why do we seize this time?

We take advantage of the work that pleases the creator of this world, who is the Lord of the worlds

That we obey him and work for the sake of earning money in a lawful way and that we learn the world that benefits us and we benefit from it in our lives

If we do that and know the reality of this world

There will be no regrets, sadness and lamentations, because here we have known the right path

There is nothing greater than knowing the right way

But if we make a mistake and waste money and commit crimes and forbidden relationships

We will regret after all this, because this is the path of loss and darkness that makes a person miserable in that life, and happiness and salvation from this regret.

We have to take the right path and follow it in order to survive these heartbreaks

Inherited grief and distress in the heart and breathing.

Regret is sadness over something that has passed

And this thing is in the past that the person keeps remembering

My sister gets very sad because he did this thing and made him lose everything

He loses his sanity

There is no solution for this remorse except by turning back from the mistake and taking the right path

This is the most important reason for treatment

As well as paying attention and planning for the future in a correct way, while setting the rules

And the right steps in order not to fall again in those mistakes that occurred in the past

Psychology studies the state of remorse of a person

He describes it as an emotional feeling of guilt for this mistake

It generates anxiety and frustration, as I mentioned at the beginning of this topic.

This is an overview of the concept of regret and heartbreak in the life of any person.

Written by: Suhaib Abdel Moneim

Wednesday  :      2022   -  11 - 23 

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM