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The good psychological state of a person and the reasons for reaching it, and does it always remain in its good condition? We'll analyze that here.

           Mental health and true happiness  


Introduction :

Welcome to all of you, I greet you anywhere in this world

And I wish you a happy life, and today I am explaining to you

True happiness and the reasons for reaching it in your life

And the impact of this on the mental health of the person

This is my topic today:

First of all, we need to know the mental health of a person

Is there complete mental health without deficiency without pain in this life?

We need to know this well to know the truth about it in detail.

Mental health or what is known as the psychological state of a person

If we want to know it until we get to know its truth

We say that it is the psychological condition or the condition in which its owner enjoys a happy and good life

Free of turmoil, anxiety and fear

It is a life of a high level of well-being and lack of sadness in it

Its owners are able to think properly and face the pressures and problems of life

In a safe and stable situation for their good psychological condition

Unlike the anxious, troubled person who feels sad in all his conditions

This is the general meaning of mental health

One of the greatest causes that lead to this state is happiness

Happiness is what is real and what is illusory

Happiness is a feeling that emanates from within oneself

Contentment and joy are based on self-acceptance, adaptation and coexistence with it in peace and security

And that drives the feeling of hope and looking at tomorrow with optimism, love, and work to achieve the dream of tomorrow that he thinks for

This is the concept of happiness

By which the heart is reassured, the soul is happy, and behavior is straightened by proper action

And everyone in this life searches for himself for that happiness

There is no person who loves sadness and loves crying and worrying

Rather, everyone wants for himself the happiness with which his soul and his heart rest in that life

But does happiness have an effect on a person's mental health?

Let's go and analyze that:

Happiness has a great impact on a person's mental health

It pushes him to value himself and to love life

And you feel with her that you are a person with values ​​who value yourself in that life

This is the close link between happiness and human mental health

But does happiness last, and does mental health always remain good?

The answer to that

It is impossible for there to be real, lasting happiness and for there to be stable mental health in its good condition

Rather, God says in the Qur'an

That life has two opposites and opposites

As there is happiness, there is also sadness

Likewise, there is good with evil

Life cannot always be good

There must be evil and misfortunes in our lives

And death comes every day to all human beings. Millions of people die every day in the world

Millions are also born in this world. That is the nature of life

It does not last in one case, so it must be a trial, which is the test and exam from God for us

To see God in us what we will do in this test

And God says: We will test you with evil and with good, and to Us you will be returned

This is the truth of life that there is no lasting real happiness in it

There are types of happiness:

1- Short, temporary happiness: It is what a person feels in a situation he is unfair to or in a situation he is exposed to, and then it passes after that.

2- Long-term happiness:

It is the happiness that lasts with its owner for a long time

Rather, it is the real happiness that many people are looking for

It emanates from man's knowledge of the facts of things

And a sense of contentment, smile and optimism

These are the most important reasons for that

I wish everyone good mental health to be happy in your life

And you have to live in the hope that you are the most important thing in this world

And that the whole world was created to serve man, and that you are the highest thing in this world

Here happiness will arise within you.

Written by: Suhaib


                          2022 - 11 - 16 

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM