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Human behavior between analysis and criticism in psychology.

                           behavioral psychology


Introduction :

  Welcome to all of you and I welcome you wherever you are anywhere in the world I salute you

Today, I will talk about a topic related to human behavior and his behavior that emanates from himself between analysis and criticism.  

First of all, we need to know the behavior of the person and his behavior that comes from himself

How is the behavior of a person through his individual movement with himself and with his society?

Among others

What is behavior in psychology?

Human behavior in psychology is the activities and practices that an organism does

In response to internal or external stimuli with observed activities

Objectively on the human being, which is the individual behavior and means that the individual is affected

the world around him and other individuals with whom he deals in daily life.

Behavior is a set of customs and traditions that an individual learns and acquires in different stages of development

Behavioral psychology is not concerned with the internal processes that occur within individuals, but rather focuses on environmental events and interaction with them.

And reduce the role of genetics.

There are different types of human behavior and they are concentrated in two important types:

1- Responsive behavior:

It is the behavior that occurs when the stimulus that drives the person, which is the stimulus

As soon as this stimulus occurs, this behavior occurs

Like a stimulus when watching a woman make you sexually aroused

There is a responsive thing happening in this responsive behavior and this is a type of behavior

which we are dealing with.

It is an involuntary behavior, and it is a fixed behavior in a person, and what changes is the stimulus that precedes it in that rapid response.

2- procedural behaviour:

It is the known behavior of a human being that is related to its acquisition from environmental factors

Surrounding the individual such as geographical, economic and family factors

personality and other factors that affect the individual and gain it from that in his life

These factors have a significant impact on the procedural behavior in the life of the individual

And this behavior that will be issued has an effect in reality, which is the external world that surrounds the individual.

This behavior occurs without stimuli that motivate the person to perform this behavior.

An example of this behavior is that a person takes an action that he does in his reality with others that comes from him, such as walking on foot and driving a car. This is a procedural behavior

As I mentioned these two types of behavior, it is necessary to identify the characteristics of the behavior.

characteristics of human behavior :

 Human behavior is characterized by susceptibility

The ability is determined in three axes:




These are the things that relate susceptibility to human behaviour

It pushes him to act in reality


It is not predicted like this without coincidence or randomness, but rather it has specific governed criteria

If he knows the criteria of these factors and components for this behavior

In the end, he will predict this behavior of the individual himself.

When we analyze the behavior of a person and know his environmental, social and material conditions, then we will predict his behavior in his life.

It is this type of behavior characteristic that falls under prediction.

As for measurability, it is, and this comes from the person’s test and evaluation, and the observations that are drawn from him in his life.

And notice its manifestations.

As for controllability, it comes from the individual’s control over himself, from his control over his behavior and behavior, and this control comes from his use of rules and laws that others use in their lives in order to control his behavior and actions.

All this I mentioned in terms of controlling and controlling behavior.

This behavior, whether good or bad, has motives that motivate it

And make him do these behaviors

These motives are what push a person to take a certain action or a goal that he seeks to reach or a desire he wants to achieve in his life

All of these behaviors emanated from motives, which are an internal, conscious, or conscious state.

 Or they are energies that push man to achieve his goals and objectives, to achieve internal balance for him, to prepare him for adaptation to his external environment.

These are the goals and objectives that a person sets for himself to walk on in order to achieve them

It is the person's behavior that tends to make her realize his reality.

These factors include what is internal and what is external. The behavior must be motivated by the desire of the person himself to do this behavior.

As for human behavior, they are:

Concentrate on his daily life

There are customs and traditions

There is a political life

There are ethical behaviors

There are abnormal behaviors in humans

There are social and individual behaviors

There are scientific and technical behaviors

There are behaviors in the religion to which a person is led and followed

Every person has a religion that he approaches in his life.

These are the most important human behaviors

And I did not analyze every behavior here, but only hinted at general behaviors

And man in this life is motivated by actions that cannot be separated from him, which are:

1- His need for food and drink for his movement and survival

2- His need for a woman and having sex with her, which is achieved in marriage

This is an essential thing associated with every person in life.

3- His need to prove himself and his existence, which is the realization of his existence in that life through his actions and experiences.

All of these actions are related to the human being and cannot be separated from him. Rather, they are a reason for his existence as an individual and he seeks to achieve them because it is the reason for his survival.

As for abnormal behaviors such as homosexuality,

And the behavior of addiction to drugs and drugs are wrong behaviors and criticized by the owners of the right mind and psychologists because they threaten the life of the person.

This was a quick overview of human behavior between analysis and criticism

written by you. Sohaib


                       2022 - 11 - 12 

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM