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One of the most famous Greek philosophers (Socrates) is an ancient philosopher Research in man and his actions and argument.

                  Of the famous philosophers



Hello everyone, I greet you wherever you are and welcome you

From anywhere in the world, I am pleased today to present to you one of the most famous and famous Greek philosophers

He is the Greek philosopher (Socrates)

And now we will begin our research on his life, upbringing and philosophical method

To his death and his departure

So let's start with this philosopher.

Who is Socrates? .

He is an ancient Greek philosopher

One of the most famous philosophical figures in history

He is a Greek teacher and philosopher and the author of the theory of dialectics

And the research in man was always searching for truth, goodness and virtue, and he was interested in studying philosophical ethics

He is the owner of the word (know yourself)

He was born and lived in Athens, Greece.

He was born in 470 BC.

He was a lover of wisdom and was called the wisest man in the ancient world because he was constantly in pursuit of truth and was interested in making complex life easier to understand and to achieve this end he was forced to discuss many beliefs

and Muslim traditions.

He learned the foundations of philosophy from his mentor, Parmenides.

He relied in his philosophical research not beyond nature

However, he relied on the science of ethics and politics, and he believed that the introduction to them was the science of logic, and he had lived in the late Sophists' era.

Socrates was a lover of wisdom, which is the purpose of knowing the facts of things

It was his approach to the philosophy in which he arose

Philosophy is defined as:

It is the mental search for the realities of things that lead to goodness, and it is the one that searches

On the natural organisms, their system, and their first cause.

This is the definition of philosophy to him, and he loved research, and his knowledge was derived from within the human mind

I also believe that the distinction between good and evil lies in the human mind and not in society as others see

This is Socrates' view of philosophy, as I explained

Now we will know his method of research:

Socrates' philosophy relied on argumentation and argumentation is a cornerstone of his approach, which is addressing people and their questions in all public places.

He used to inquire with all the people he met in the streets and in the markets

He had a question and an answer and presented them to people, so he did not ask them about a specific topic, but rather he asked about all topics such as courage, morals, virtue and theories.

Socrates was an integrated, comprehensive system about man in the field of his philosophical research

He is the father of controversy, that is, the most controversial and debated philosophers with others.

I knew his philosophy as well, other than the definition I mentioned at the beginning

It is a human research and a comprehensive study of his issues, his life, his morals and his politics

This is the philosophy of Socrates.

All his method revolves around dialogue, and he sees dialogue, which is the debate, as the best way to reach the truth

Therefore, from the approach that we approach and followed, they count their actions in the Socratic way

It is philosophizing by dialectic, so Socrates relied on direct contact between souls in what was later known as Socratic dialogue

Which consisted of two important parts:

It affirms that the truth exists and the knowledge is possible

So that they eventually reach self-clearance or realize in their rationally based awareness that their knowledge is the truth that is nothing after it.

This ultimately brings you to self-obviousness, which leads you to Socrates' famous saying that you know yourself by yourself.

He was gradually arguing, and once he wondered about the way of sarcasm and ignorance of something

And once he asks to communicate the truth to the other party

And he had a theory that he believed in, which is that mistakes are made as a result of ignorance or those who commit mistakes lack knowledge of what is correct.

Among his ideas that he was convinced of and believed in were:

He was convinced that knowledge of virtue and morals are necessary things in order to achieve them

From this he sees that virtue is a necessity to achieve happiness

He believes that evil acts are committed out of ignorance, and he believes that committing injustice is worse than suffering injustice.

He believed that philosophy has an important role in the life of every individual.

He was concerned with the aspect of goodness and virtue and believed that they were among the foundations that preserved the individual and society

This is the thought and approach of Socrates in a nutshell.

Whose idea still exists until now and still mentions Socrates to this day.

And as for his death, we see.

We note that in the end he was put on trial. He was tried in Athens by the government of Athens and accused of corrupting the youth with atheism.

This trial is considered one of the most important trials in the ancient era

He was accused by three men:

Aneto - Milito - Legon

He was executed because of his ideas

The end of Socrates' death is that he was executed because of his ideas

This is the life of the philosopher Socrates

He passed away in 399 BC.

In Athens, Greece.

This is Socrates from his birth to his death

Written by: Sohaib


                                    2022 - 11 - 9  

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM