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About physiological psychology, its methods, factors and theories in human life.

       Perspectives on physiological psychology



Welcome to all of you. I greet you from wherever you live in this world. Whether you are a man or a woman. I am happy to communicate with you. I wish you a happy life.

It is the physiological aspect of psychology. I am very happy to present this research to you

In order to benefit from the fields of psychology and its research in man to know his secrets and analyze his tendencies and personality

And now, at the beginning, we will know this aspect of psychology.

In the beginning we need to know the physiological psychology

Here are two sides in this science and they are

The first: psychology

Second: physiology

Each of them has its scope and definition, but here the two are associated with each other

What is this science and its field?

This science studies the relationship between human behavior and its organs

He studies the functions of the organs and their relationship to human behavior, and he studies the most important organ that helps movement in that, which is the nervous system and its relationship to the functions of the external world of man, and he studies with him the nerve cells and their specializations. Where the influencer and exciting behavior of the child in his first life

This science studies the organs and their functions that are related to human behavior.

Physiological psychology is concerned with the human psyche, as well as with the organ and its function within the human being

Because the members are what will be human behaviors

Behavior emanates from his movement and his energy, and this movement is generated from the organs that lead to human activity and movement. This is the important aspect in physiological psychology.

This science studies human behavior and the effect of internal organs on it, i.e. on this behavior that emanates from man and his actions

It studies and focuses on the most important cellular functions in man

Such as sleep, wakefulness, and brain movement. It studies the circulatory system and the nervous system in humans, including nerve cells, and their impact on behavior in human life.

There is no doubt that the center of issuance of movement for all parts of the body starts from the brain

The brain issues orders to all organs and all parts of the body

Physiological psychology studies the different centers that make up the glimpse and the specialization of each center. The brain has regions responsible for every movement in a person. There are regions responsible for sensation, hearing, vision, and movements for the rest of the organs.

All of these things that you mentioned tell us the reason behind these actions

And that these things we did not deduce except through our physiological knowledge that defines us

Psychological research in which he searches about human behavior and behavior

And now we need to mention examples of those physiological changes that are the field of our research so that we know that well

We find that when a person is very ashamed of a situation he was exposed to, we find that his face turns red and his forehead sweats. This is considered a physiological behavior.

As well as increased heartbeat indicates intense fear or severe turmoil

From a certain situation a person is exposed to from fear of a certain thing

All these are physiological behaviors, and then we know the secret of these behaviors that occurred with humans.

Research Methods in Physiological Psychology:

First, human behavior is complex and very complex

We need to know the secret behind these behaviors

Which we are unable to explain without a clear study of these behaviors

So what is the way to do that and what is the approach to understanding complex behavior

All this we can know if we take a clear approach that explains these behaviors

And prove their issuance, and what is the secret behind it

Now let's go to the proper method for those actions

Here we are dealing with physiological psychology

Who studies organs and their relationship to behavior

It is about methods and principles that link the functions and regulations of the nervous system on the one hand, and behavior on the other hand.

The curricula are here in a nutshell

We have to study the nervous system, along with neurons, and what is the secret behind their movement and their relationship to behavior

We also study the work of the brain and how it orders the rest of the body to move

We also study human behavior and the primary motives for those behaviors

We also study the motor and psychological capabilities of humans

The reason behind all of these movements.

All these things need to be studied in order to know the behavior and analyze it in the end

This is the physiological aspect of psychology in a nutshell

To focus on the organs and their functions in the human being.

Sohaib .

Wednesday .  

                             2022. -  11 -  30 

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM