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The secrets of talking to yourself and is it a disease or a general symptom.!!

                                 لماذا تتحدث مع نفسك

                هل تعرف سبب ذلك ... 




مرحباً بالجميع ، يسعدني اليوم أن أقدم لكم شيئًا مهمًا

هذا الموضوع من الأشياء التي نتعرض لها جميعًا

إنه يتحدث إلى نفسه

لماذا يخاطب الفرد نفسه ويتحدث معها

هل هذا الشخص مصاب بمرض عقلي؟

Or is this a general symptom that all people are exposed to in this life

This is my position today, which I will talk about today

It is talking with the self and addressing it, and what is the secret in that

What are the reasons that prompted the soul to talk to her and argue with her

Anyway, I will explain it here in this topic.

Talking to oneself is one of the things that all people experience in that life

Because it is one of the things that occupies the mind and translates on the tongue

This hadeeth is what is positive and what is negative

Positive talk is what prompts the soul to achieve something important that will benefit it in that life, and it talks with the soul about a solution to find a way to reach it through

The thoughts that respond to the mind and surround the soul.

This is positive self-talk

As for the negative, it is the one who speaks it in vain and is useless and leads to mental illness, distress and sadness

This is a disease of the soul, this is the negative talk.

I would like to tell you the truth in this matter

The truth is that talking to oneself and addressing them is not a disease

Rather, it is a real thing that any human being is exposed to in this life

Let us know here that self-talk teaches us the secrets of the brain

And it helps us to plan and regulate feelings and correct ways to solve the problems that we are exposed to in this life

It is a very normal and common thing for many people.

Psychologists call this discourse that occurs with the soul

In their research, the inner talk with the self.

What is the reason for talking to oneself?

*- Reasons for self-talk

The first reason :

  The psychological pressure that his thinking accumulates from the mind

And search for a solution to one of the problems or search for a better life than it is.

The second reason: psychological disorders such as sleep diseases, or what is called schizophrenia, is a reason that pushes the soul to talk to itself

The third reason: - Mental illness that drives the soul into hallucinations and speech without meaning is one of the reasons for talking to oneself.

The fourth and final reason: the social and economic phenomena in some societies and family disintegration make the soul surrounded by problems

Which pushes the soul to talk to itself and the solution to this dark reality

This is one of the reasons for talking to oneself.

Talking to oneself, as I mentioned, is neither ill nor negative

Among them is what is positive for the soul, which prepares it to solve and think about those problems that surround it.

As for the treatment of these things

To feel that this is normal and a general symptom

He does not need treatment unless what you talk about with yourself is incomprehensible

It has no significance in meaning and pronunciation

This is what is known as hallucinations and schizophrenia

And this requires a psychiatrist to present the case to him in order to search for a treatment for her

Because the condition here is diagnosed as a disease that needs treatment.

As well as from this conversation with the self is considered positive

It has health factors for the soul, including the following.

1- Being with oneself improves the performance of the brain and enhances the cognitive performance of the soul

2- It enhances the self-confidence factor and encourages it to succeed.

3- It reduces stress on the soul

This is where I stand with you about self-talk

And what are its causes and truth.

Monday :    2022 - 12 - 26  

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM