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About the humanities and their purpose.

Humanities and their departments   and fields of  research.     





Introduction :  

Hello everyone, 

I am pleased to present to you today an important topic about human thought and its related issues

Human sciences

It may be called by scholars who are researchers in this science

With human sciences.

These sciences are related to the field of human thought as well as its behavior

And his motives and emotions and the rules of sound thinking that he reaches to solve problems

that you encounter in this life

All this will clarify the scope of his research in this topic today.

It is the human sciences.

About human sciences definition and origin:

The human sciences are those related to thought, inclinations, and psychological motives, which study human behavior in its various fields

This is the general definition of the humanities

Likewise, the humanities are the sciences that relate to and study

The human experience in all its aspects through the different eras that these experiences went through, as well as studying the relationship between individuals and groups

It focuses on the human experience and what is related to his knowledge about the thought and existence that surrounds him.

The emergence of the humanities, when did it 


The human sciences originated in Greece

The first to work with these sciences are philosophers

and thinkers

who were working in the old classical Greek school

This is due in the end to thousands of ancient years

Specifically, in the fifth century BC

At that time, they were interested in human thought or what is known as humanities

They were interested in philosophy, logic, linguistics and the mystery of this world

And the sciences of metaphysics.

This is an overview of the origins of the human sciences in their infancy and where they originated

When did these sciences originate?

Now we will know what are the fields of these human sciences.

Fields of human sciences:

One of the areas that research in this science

1 - Philosophy

Because this science investigates the reality of this person, and also includes the secret of the existence of this person, as well as the surrounding world

What is the secret of the facts surrounding this person.

2- Logic, which deals with sound thinking that relates to man

And the rules of good thinking

3- History, which relates to man’s past and present, and it shows him the truth about past ages.

4- Psychology, which studies human behavior, tendencies, and experiences in this life

And the motives that tend to her and push him to do it.

5- Sociology, which is the reality in which a person lives with his society.

6- Linguistics, which is the study of human pronunciation and its difference from one person to another

7 - This literature and poetry is related to the human sciences, as it depicts the feelings and thoughts that come to their souls and that they go through in their lives.

Now we will know the purpose of these sciences, what is the purpose of studying them, and what is their benefit to us

All this I will try to list

in the aims of these sciences.

Now we will know the purpose of these sciences, what is the purpose of studying them, and what is their benefit to us

All this I will try to list

in the aims of these sciences.

The goals of the humanities:

  1- We know the secrets of human thought

How does a person think.

2- We know the reality of the person he lives and the past that raised him

And the eras that these sciences passed through.

3- We know the field of each science within these sciences and what is the purpose of studying them.

4- We know the human behavior and actions in this life.

5- By it, we know correct thinking from error in the field of logic that discusses human thought

These are the most important goals of human sciences

This is a quick overview of these human sciences and related objectives

And its upbringing

I hope that you have benefited from these sciences and this topic that I explained to you today.

today   :    sunday        2023.01.08

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM