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Women in this world are the building block of society and the main component of it, and they are exposed to many harassment and challenges, the most important of which is violence against them.

& nbsp;      Cases of violence with women in the world.



Introduction to the topic:

Hello everyone, wherever you are in the world

I welcome you and I am happy to know about the topics that I present to you

Wherever you are, man or woman, a big greeting from the heart to every woman, big or small

Wherever you are in the world I greet you from the heart, because without you we would not have come to this world. You are the mother, the sister, the wife, the teacher of children, the great jewel of which the family is made.

Because you are facing great dangers and you have spotted them in this world

You have found that in many places in this world you are subjected to violence and perhaps sexual assault by rape and forced to do so in some Western and Eastern societies. A danger that threatens the world and I am against it because I love women

I respect them because they are sisters of men. Now we will move on to this topic, which is violence against women, in detail.

 Violence with women by men who abuse them:

This is a phenomenon on the part of sociology, and it is one of the main problems that sociology talks about

In the most important social problems that threaten the family and its entity from within

Because the woman is the first nucleus in this society, and if she is exposed to this violence from the man, she will spoil the societies and disintegrate because the woman will be exposed to grave dangers that may push her to emigrate and flee from this society. in which she grew up, or she may narrow her imagination and accept suicide

This is a big risk as I mentioned, and as long as this is a dangerous aspect it will be rejected or clarified here

Defining violence, what is its form, and what are the reasons that motivate it, in order for the issue to be clear so that we can finally reach the causes and treatment.

The definition of violence  :

Violence is a violation of women's rights and exposure to abuse, whether self-harm, by raising the voice on her and belittling her value

Or hitting her with the hand on the face, or raping her sexually and forcing her to do so

Or deprive her of her freedom, imprison her in the house, and harm her by all means of harm

What I mentioned is a similar definition of violence with women.

Does this violence have an effect on society?

Yes, this violence has an impact on society, and therefore sociologists have taken care of it and researched it and found that the issue of violence with women constitutes one of the most serious human rights violations in the world.

And they said that a woman can stigmatize her at any time and she is threatened with that

This affects her life in general

International sources that searched for social problems in the world have revealed

She said that the main cause of these problems in the world, which is characterized by poverty, crime and international violence, said that the main factor for this

It is the bad treatment of women in society.

This violence has many types, to mention the most important ones:

1- Rape and sexual assault of a man against a woman.

It is a type of sexual assault and usually involves sexual intercourse. Rape is usually committed by men against boys, women and girls. Women are usually assaulted more often than boys and girls and usually by someone you know.

Rape is one of the biggest crimes of violence against women

And this crime is increasing in the world, and statistics in Western countries confirm that

This is why families and societies collapse

And I wish the topic would stop at the rape of the raped woman, and only

But the rapist receives threats and deals violently after raping her

Not only her, but she threatens her community and her friends with absolution so that the rapist is not reported, so the woman will live in a state of destruction for her entity and her security, and her mental health is destroyed because of the violence that is practiced on her, and the society thus disintegrates and disintegrates

And it does not become an entity for the family after that, so rape and violence are the destruction of society

This type of rape is a general rape of forbidden sexual relations that are not bound by the marriage document between a man and a woman.

There is another type of rape

Which is: marital rape

This type of rape is considered acceptable in some countries

It is banned in some other countries

Due to the customs and traditions of some countries

This rape threatens the life of a woman with her husband, which amounts to coercion to have sexual relations with her husband, and some women accept it, and some have no desire for it. The husband swaddled and he can do with it whatever he wants.

This is new to our society and not as old as we think

Many searched for this matter and found it from the violence that is being practiced on women.

2- Domestic violence :  

This domestic violence threatens many women

in the communities

It is represented in intimate partner violence. This violence is directed at women in terms of insults, insults, deception and coercion.

And her daughters in intimate sexual relations in terms of the violation of her virginity, which took place through sinful relations with intimate relationships.

Also, domestic violence includes racism between a boy and a girl in terms of discrimination and a tendency to have a boy without a girl

Domestic violence is represented in the aspect of depriving women of the right of not caring for them

And the failure to fulfill her rights as a wife or daughter, and she may be beaten on the part of the father or brother, and this has a serious psychological factor in the life of a woman within her community.

All of this is violence against women.

As well as the types of violence with women forced marriage at the age of 13 or 14 years

And forcing her to do this is considered coercion and forcing her to do so.

Also, sexual harassment is considered bad behavior by a man, and it is considered as a form of blackmailing women sexually and from passing them on in some societies.

In view of the importance of this issue, which is violence against women, the United Nations spoke about this in a statement

She says in a statement issued in 1993:

Violence against women is defined as follows: “Any violent act motivated by gender bias that results in, or is likely to result in, harm or suffering to women, whether physical, sexual or psychological, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty.” Whether it happens in public or private life.

The negative consequences of violence against women and girls affect women's psychological, sexual and reproductive health at all stages of their lives. For example, the disadvantages of the lack of early education are not only the main obstacle to girls' right to education and its generalization, but ultimately restrict access to higher education and lead to limited job creation for women in the labor market.

While gender-based violence can happen to anyone, anywhere, some women and girls from certain groups are particularly at risk - for example, girls and older women, women who identify as lesbian, bisexual or transgender gender or intersex, immigrant and refugee women, indigenous and ethnic minority women. or women and girls living with HIV and disabilities, affected by humanitarian crises.

.Violence against women continues to constitute a barrier to achieving equality, development and peace, as well as fulfilling the human rights of women and girls. All in all, the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals - we leave no one behind - cannot be fulfilled without an end to violence against women and girls.

As well as the factors that lead to violence that we must not lose sight of are as follows:

1 - Poverty and ignorance.

2- Trading and using alcohol, such as alcohol and the like.

3- Unemployment among young people and the lack of job opportunities.

4- Feeling of weakness and psychological determination.

5- Bullying and racism against women.

6 - The tyrannical regimes that govern some countries and impose their control over them

Women in this country are humiliated and humiliated.

Because they have no rights in those countries and their freedom is deprived

That is why you find her in the workplace with men and they mean to insult her

And she has no rights.

7- The abundance of pornographic scenes in societies and the leniency in forbidden relations between the sexes in the family.

These are the most important factors and causes of violence with women.

And now we will go to the treatment of that so that the woman is preserved and her dignity is preserved

In her country and anywhere

The main reasons for treatment:

1 - Education on noble values ​​and morals and the application of the right of Islam with women.

2- Not to underestimate the woman's status and pay attention to her in giving her her rights

 And sharing her opinion within the family so that she has a self-esteem and value.

3- Awareness and education of women leads to the maturity of her mind and an understanding of her usurped rights.

4- Not to force a woman to do something she does not want, and to take her opinion on that. This is a reason

key to solving the problem of violence against women.

5 - Warning against forbidden relationships and their effects on women and on society, which leads to its collapse.

6- Appreciating the woman and knowing her psyche so that she is not disturbed by the things that destroy her life and not harm her psychologically and socially. This is one of the solutions to the problem of violence with her.

7- Avoiding racism and discrimination between a boy and a girl within the family, because this has a psychological factor in the girl's future that makes her distrust herself and despise herself.

This is my topic about violence against women within societies

We now know the causes and treatment.

Written by you Sohaib

Monday: 2022 - 11 - 7 

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM