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This great world, if we look into it, we will discover that it is a strange secret that you stand in humiliation to those who created it. So what is the secret of the existence of this world and how the ancient philosophers said about it.

        The reality of the universe according to the                                Greek philosophers   .




Welcome to all of you. I welcome you wherever you are from anywhere in the world. Where have you been? You are my brother and sister, man or woman.

Which we will discuss today, but with the great philosophers in philosophy who are considered among the distinguished philosophers in Greece in ancient times and in the countries of eastern and western Europe. About the secret of this existence

What is the force that moves it, and how was this world created and designed?

In any case, this will be the topic of our discussion here

And now, after the introduction, we will go to these philosophers to present their opinions

And I will suffice in the presentation only four philosophers as an example

Let's go now to see what they think about it:

The origin of the world according to the natural philosophers, and he responded to them with evidence and proof

About their opinion and thought

Now we will go to know the origin of existence in Greek philosophy, offer and criticism

This existence who was unable to explain it was the first field of their research

And the question they asked in order to find an answer to it is this question that they will control with all their thought and theory, and it is this question:

What is the origin of the world and what is its secret?!!!

This question is looking for an answer in the materialistic doctrine of the senses

And they want a physical answer to that from the components of this universe

Let's go to a philosopher who researched this and actually found an answer to his question

This is the philosopher:

1- Thales Malta .

This philosopher is known for his tremendous global achievements

Research in politics, sociology, astronomy and nature

He was interested in the secret of this world, scrutinized and researched it and its components, and found

That this world originated from water

He said that the origin of this world is water

And he found that this water is the first element in this existence

The reason for this is that he chose water over nothing else

For the following reasons, I will mention them now:

He believes that what a thing is made of must be its origin

He considered water to be an essential component of this existence, so it must be its origin

He also considered water as one of the simple elements for him in this universe, and it is one of the non-combined things

He also said that the origin of the world is water, because most of his life was in the islands

After his research into this existence he wants to know in the end what his origin is, so he answered himself and said it is water.

This is his opinion.

2-  Enbadocles.

This philosopher also searched for the secret of the world and what is its origin

He said that the origin of the world consists of four things

other than Thales

Who said that its origin is water

He said: This world has its origin from four things:

Water, air, fire and earth

This is the secret of creating the world for him that it is made of it

He said that every element is something opposite to this existence, and he explained it thus:

Waterproof Humidity Air Coolness Fire Heat Dirt Dry

water = moisture

air = cold

dirt = dry land

fire = heat

This is the origin of the world to him and its formation based on this theory.

He used to say that the Creator supports pure knowledge, will, generosity, honor and strength

He said that the Creator is animated by a type of stillness, and evidenced this that the mind and the element are moved by a type of stillness

These are his words

And his words about the origin of the world and his interpretation of the origin and formation of the world.

3- anaxagoras : 

He was a Greek philosopher, one of the students of Anaxmanes

He said that the origin and formation of this world is that this Oneness consists of infinite principles in terms of number and smallness in size.

It is from the origin of infinite likes, that is, it has no end, and with it it is this world

He said that these things from which the world is formed, which are its origin, are incomprehensible to their essence.

This is the basis for the formation of the world according to this philosopher and this is his theory that he researched and believed in.

4- Anaximans.

He is a philosopher from one of the pioneers and sages of the natural school in Greece.

I believe in the idea of ​​Thales Al-Malti that the world is made of one substance, and this substance is

Air is the basis for the formation of the world, and it is the primary material for this existence

He inferred this and believed that air is the origin of the world because he believes that it is more simple and less complex than water

He said that the air surrounds the earth from all sides, and from that the atmosphere, that is why it is the origin of this world

And among his words that he said and I have immortalized him is that he said that the Creator is eternal, there is no beginning and no end to Him. He is the One Principle of things, not like one of numbers.

He also said that the first to be created was the air, and from it came the upper and lower bodies in this universe.

This is the view of this philosopher who believed in him and immortalized him

And now that we have seen the opinions of all these philosophers and everyone has said his opinion, now we must say our words to know the truth behind all of this.

We say :

I say that these philosophers searched based on the concrete material reality in which they believe.

And if this indicates anything, this indicates that they have limited their eyes to the reality of the worldly life that they live in. Therefore, in the end, when they do not know what is beyond nature and what moves it, they are inferred only by the tangible.

And it is the trace that they saw with their own eyes, so some of them said that the origin of the world is water, and water, everyone saw it in the seas and saw from the abundance of water in the earth that this is the origin of the world.

And this is something false. Rather, al-Bajar is a creature of the creatures of this universe. The one who created this world with its heavens and its lands is God, Lord of the worlds.

Creator of everything and everyone is his creation and his servants

God is the present and the real component of this world

God is the most faithful, the most faithful, who has no partner in his possession, and he disposes of his possessions as he wills as he pleases, because he is the owner in the end, and everything else is owned.

This is the view that I believed in and was convinced of, and this is my response to those philosophers who said otherwise. I am not convinced of what they said and I believe in what I said.

This is a brief overview of this world and its origin

To finally know the right from the wrong.

Written by you Sohaib

2022 - 11 - 6  

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM