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There is an image in our minds of things we have not seen before But when we express that picture and with it the other pictures, we say These are perceptions, any perceptions that we imagined before that we express in our reality.

           Perceptions in logic and its divisions


Introduction :- 

Welcome to all of you, wherever you are from anywhere in the world

I welcome you, man and woman, as we are all human beings in the end who live in this world

Who we have no choice in coming to, but brought us from the world of the unseen to the world of existence by the order of whom?

Is it nature, coincidence, or illusions?

No, it is impossible, and these things that do not hear, do not feel, do not perceive, or think cannot bring us to this world

Rather, it was created for us and to serve us, so how can you bring us this absurdity that neither reason nor logic can believe?

Rather, we must know the truth, and the truth is the one after which there is no truth. The truth here is the realization of something as it is

And it is that this world was created by the true owner who came to us, and he is God, the Lord of the heavens and the earth, who created us, then kills us, then brings us to life in the abode of eternity, after which there is no abode, but rather the end and the end.

Yes, that is the truth that I knew, and if you know otherwise, then this is the truth that you will discover in the end, and you will be shocked after knowing it because you were oblivious to it and did not know it before.

Today, we will talk about a topic that is part of our thinking and part of our imagination

In terms of perception and perception

That is, perceptions, which is an essential part of the ancient science of logic, which was researched and written down by the great men of knowledge in Greece

Like Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Thales and others...

Now we will separate this section in terms of definition

And its discussion, its divisions, and its purpose, and we will now start with the following, in order

First: Introducing perceptions

We say that perceptions are part of logical science

And science, when we know it in a general capacity, we say that it is the awareness of the known, that is, the perception of the image that occurs in the mind that is perceived by any person who perceives it.

And the person who realizes that is the one who is aware of that awareness, which is the knowledge that we will divide

To imagine and believe

We are here in our topic in the process of this research, which revolves around it

Is it the perception?

 The imagination may be only a conception, and it may be a conception with a judgment

Visualization is the occurrence of the image of a thing in the mind only

And the conception with which there is a ruling is the attribution of an order to another, either positively or negatively

Here the concept is divided into two parts:

1- Conceive with him a judgment and a result in the total after proving the affirmative or the negative

All in all, it is validation.

For example: We say this person is a writer

Or is this a person who is not a writer?

Here the perception is linked to judging this person, whether he is a writer or not

This ruling is, in the end, ratification

And this is with regard to the perception with which there is a ruling

2- Just imagine any concept that has nothing to do with it, rather it is just an imagination

This is a naive perception because it does not have any evidence or judgment that will prove its sincerity

As if you live in the imagination of dreams and illusions, and in the end they are just perceptions that have no evidence in reality, but rather just dreams and fantasies

This is in relation to this section, which is the singular perception that has nothing with it.

These are the visualization sections

And we make it easier and easier

The perception is divided into two parts:

{Necessary - theoretical}.

 And visualization is a section of science and it is the field of our research here now

A collection of ideas.

But we analyze it more until we realize it fully.

Perceptions are an important part of reasoning in the subject of logic

Because in the end you get to the truth

The whole subject of logic, from beginning to end, revolves around these two parts

They are perceptions and endorsements

Perceptions are submitted to ratifications

We cannot believe before we imagine

Visualization is the affirmation of the image and perceptions of the mind in reality, in order to reach the attestations

Among the most important topics of conceptualization in logic are the five faculties

And through which thought reaches and settles us into the verifiable unknown

It is the case and its parts of the mobile and the subject

or submitted, and the following, etc. in relation to ratifications

Likewise, it is one of the most important investigations of semantic perceptions, which is the understanding of a matter in terms of an order

The first is the signifier, and the second is the signified

The sign is divided into verbal and non-verbal

And each of them is divided into posture, mental and natural

And I will mention examples so that we can understand what we are saying

An example of a natural sign

Like the redness of the face and its change when shyness, this is a natural thing for any human being

 And the positive significance is like the indication of the American flag on the country that it represents

The science indicates that this area is the United States of America

And the mental significance as the indication of the effect on the influencer

And the meaning of the word “Creator” on the shaved

The word is also divided into singular and compound

All of these are related to perceptions

And now we clarify the most important aspect of perceptions, which is

The five colleges

Definition of the five colleges and their departments with an example for each department:

The five faculties of formal logic are:

They are all abstract facts that do not fall under the control of the senses

And perceive with the mind.

These are five things

And the five colleges are only 5

And I will mention them in order now with the definition of each of them with an example for them so that it becomes clear what is said about them:

1 - sex.

2- Chapter.

3 - type.

4 - special.

5- General presentation.

These are the five college departments

And we know both of them with an example

Sex is the entirety of the common truth between the many particles of truth in the answer to what is.

An example of an animal is an animal here referred to as a gender

What talking animal?

In logic, man is a speaking animal

Man is said to be a talking animal.

This is the epitome of sex

As for the chapter, it is: it is part of the concept of the essence, and it is the part concerned with it that distinguishes it.

And the example is speaking, for it is the separation in man from sex, which is the animal

That is, the human being because he speaks is separated here in the chapter on gender

An animal is a genus and a speaker, a chapter, i.e. the chapter that is one of the five faculties that we present the example for now.

And gender is the difference between sex and class

In other words, when I say Zaid or Omar, here I define his type and he is a human being

 And now we know its peculiarity, which is the thing equal to its subject

It is the external mobile kidney of its subject

An example of this is Kaldhak or hardworking.

Public offer, which is the last thing from colleges

And we know it as the external kidney that is carried on its subject and changed

And an example for that:

man is walking

The word "walking", which is "walking", is a public display.

These are the five colleges as I mentioned and explained them with examples

This section is related to perceptions

As stated at the outset

Thank you for a good read

And please take advantage of that

Written by: Sohaib

Saturday.     2022 - 11 - 5 

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM