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Depression is a mental illness that threatens the human being, so what are its causes? And what is the treatment for it? And how do we overcome our sorrows and our problem in a correct way?

       Depression between cause and treatment




Hello everyone, wherever you are in the world

I welcome you, brother and sister, to the life we live in

I am happy for you to know my topics, read them, and benefit from them in your life

In the end, I am human and make mistakes and injuries, and you can contact me to tell me my mistakes.

And I thank you for that and this makes me happy and not sad for that because I will learn from my mistakes

As for today, I will talk about an important topic in the field of psychology to which many people are exposed when they are affected by frustration, despair and sadness, and this dangerous disease is born in them, the causes and treatment of which we will know as well as a detailed definition to know the truth of it and this disease is dangerous

It is not depression.

the First :  

We begin by defining depression and what is the origin of this word

Why is it called by this name, as we will search for it in the dictionaries of meanings and language, so that we know the origin of its name?

We see that depression is taken from a gloomy cam, meaning that it is sad, meaning that it is broken and sad

The word depression is a noun and in fact it is a disease

The person suffers from it psychologically. This disease, according to doctors, is a mental illness. This disease accompanies the patient with depression, a tendency to isolation and a decline in the body and mental abilities. This severe disease is one of the contemporary diseases in the world that afflicts young people, women, adolescents and the elderly, and leads them to suicide because they do not find any benefit in this life by losing hope in it.

This is a simple definition of depression

 I will also know this disease with psychologists and psychiatrists as well.

It is defined by scientists as a mental state of low mood and aversion to activity

A mood disorder that leads to the appearance of symptoms that affect a person's feeling, thinking, and daily activities, and a loss of interest in performing any activity.

Whether it is an intellectual, practical or general activity.

It is a psychological phenomenon that is widespread among many, meaning that every one in his life suffers from sadness, anxiety and turmoil that may affect his activity in life.

These signs that affect every human being are depression, any mental illness

affect his life

As for the word depression in terms of the term, and we summarize it here in the definition of psychiatrists, it has several definitions due to the fluctuation of the psychological state and its difference from person to person. his life and did not find a cure for him and did not recover from it.

And there is a person who was depressed because he enjoyed everything and does not find this life worth and does not know what it is, so he becomes anxious and does not find hope in life, so he suffers from a state of depression that leads to suicide in the end

To get rid of his psychological conflict that threatens his being, and this is widespread in the most luxurious country in the world.

This statement that you mentioned is completely proven in reality. These cases you mentioned prove to us that they are part of the mental illness that results from depression. The causes of depression are many, and it is a description of one of the well-known psychological diseases and is characterized by the presence of psychological and physical manifestations that I will explain so that we know the causes and treatment.

Does depression exist now in the world at the present time in the year 2022?

I answer the question and I hope no one 

is sick with it.

Unfortunately, a large percentage of the world's population is sick with this disease, as the World Health Organization has explained.

The statistics, as mentioned above, say:

About 280 million people in the world suffer from this serious disease.

She said that this disease develops in the person and reaches a serious psychological state

It brings him and those who are in a dangerous psychological state to get rid of this life, and I actually mentioned that there are cases that reach suicide in the end.

Every year, more than 7 million people commit suicide due to the psychological conditions they have reached, and those who commit suicide are at a young age.

Their ages range from 15 to 29

This is a large percentage that threatens the world

The organization said about the poor countries that have depression and they do not find a cure for it, so it says:

Although there are known effective treatments for mental disorders, more than 75% of people in low- and middle-income countries receive none of these treatments (2). Barriers to effective care include a lack of resources, a shortage of trained health-care providers, and social stigma associated with mental disorders. In countries of all income levels, depression is often misdiagnosed in people with it, but it is often misdiagnosed in other people who do not suffer from it and antidepressants are prescribed to them.

These numbers threaten the world, and the insult is this dangerous disease, which is depression

We have to know here the reason that brought this large percentage to that

And we are looking for a cure for it so that we know the truth that is not clear before it

Crystal clear in the morning

We have to know the truth in order to get to that.

What is the cause and what is the treatment for this disease?

Let us now see the symptoms, any reasons that lead to this, as mentioned by the World Health Organization in this disease:

During a depressive episode, a depressed person experiences irritability (feeling sad, irritable, or empty) or losing pleasure or interest in activities most of the time, nearly every day, for at least two weeks. He may also have many other symptoms, including poor concentration, excessive guilt or low self-esteem, despair about the future, thoughts of death or suicide, sleep disturbances, appetite or weight fluctuations, feeling tired or lacking in energy.

In some cultural contexts, some people's mood changes may appear more easily in the form of physical symptoms (eg pain, fatigue, weakness). However, these physical symptoms are not attributable to another disease.

During a depressive episode, a person experiences significant difficulty in personal, family, social, educational, occupational, and/or other important areas of functioning.

An episode of depression can be classified as mild, moderate or severe depending on the number and severity of symptoms and their impact on an individual's functioning.

The different types of mood disorders include:

  • A single episode of depressive disorder, i.e. the person's first one-time episode;
  • Depressive disorder frequency, which means that the person has had at least two depressive episodes in the past;
  • Bipolar disorder, meaning that episodes of depression alternate with periods of manic symptoms, which include euphoria or irritability, increased activity or energy, and other symptoms such as increased talkativeness, racing thoughts, increased self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, easy loss of focus, and behavior Impulsive and reckless.

As for the main causes that I know, which is the truth of this disease, they are as follows:

We must know the stages that depression goes through on a person

1- occasional depression

2- Severe depression

3 - Depression in chronic patients

These are the stages that an individual goes through with depression

The causes of depression in humans are as follows:

1 - Grief that persists in a person over losing something or not achieving something, or sadness over a social reality that he is not satisfied with living in, and their behavior disturbs you. This is one of the causes of sadness that generates depression.

2- A feeling of despair and frustration from within oneself, which is known as psychological defeat. This feeling generates depression in the individual.

3 - The main reason for the existence of depression is the lack of self-attachment to God, who is the true owner who owns everything here.

This is one of the most important reasons that lead to depression because he does not know the true owner of this world, which is God.

4 - Loss of purpose, unwillingness to work, and a feeling of indifference generate depression and are one of its causes

5- Excessive enjoyment of cravings, drinking alcohol and drugs, extravagance in eating and forbidden relationships. These are one of the causes of depression.

6- The absence of an answer explaining the reality of the existence of man in this existence

Ignorance of fate beyond life is one of the greatest causes of anxiety that generates depression.

7- Illness that cannot be cured, feeling helpless and sad because of that while continuing to do so. Depression is born

8- Social problems, family disintegration, the weak economic aunt of the state, the spread of ignorance, disease, oppression and tyranny, and knowing the truth of this and the lack of a solution for this causes depression in a person.

These are the most important reasons that create depression in a person in life.

And now we know the cause from which the disease arises, so what is the solution and treatment for that condition that we have reached.

Now we will talk about treatment for depression.

The first steps for treatment are to accept life with optimism and hope, to smile at it, to set our goal, which we hope to achieve, and to know the truth about that life and beyond.

1 - We have to accept God and follow His command and know that He is the owner of everything to Him we return and to Him is our destiny. As long as this is the case, we have to cling to Him and not disobey Him in order to be happy and reassured in our lives, for He is the one who knows our truth and we are His slaves because He is the Owner, Rich, Powerful, and All-Knowing.

2 - We must not be angry and sad, for life in the end will end and will not return, and it is a courtyard house, not a residence house.

We have to believe in that undoubted truth and here the anxiety and sadness will disappear.

3- Not to eat a lot of food and to chase after desires that are not satisfied

And to take from it what is enough for us and only be happy

These are the most important causes of treatment for this dangerous disease

And if you try this remedy, none of these diseases will hurt you.

I am happy with you and I wish you a happy life

Written by you today Sohaib

On this day


                      2022 - 11 - 05 

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM