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To solve the problems we face And making the right decision must be a sound logical thinking for that.

                                  logical thinking rules




You are all welcome, wherever you are in the world

Today I present to you an important topic with which we will solve all our problems.

And we make the right decisions in our lives

And all of this can only be achieved by following the rules and foundations of an organization until we reach all this

This is logical thinking

Here, he clarified what logic is in all its forms, so that we can learn about it as a comprehensive and impediment definition.

In the beginning, when we start any topic or aspect, we revolve around it

We must define this aspect in order to know it well.

1- Define logic :  

Logic is the legal machine that we follow in order to protect the mind from error in thinking.

It is also defined as a science that seeks to solve problems and follow the rules of thinking.

Likewise, it is a science that searches for perceptions, ratifications, and inference to arrive at results, which are the rules deduced from induction.

He also has many names and titles, including:  

1 - The science of the rules of thought.

2 - The science of balance.

3- The science of the leader of sciences.

4 - Science of statement and solutions.

These are the names of the science of logic as I mentioned.

But is this science important in our lives so that we can search in it and deduce all these things from it?

Let's go into our lives first and meditate on it

We will find that there are problems that we fall into in our lives

Why do we get into these problems and mistakes?

Because man, by virtue of his humanity, is subject to error, so every person must make mistakes

In order not to fall into these mistakes, he must follow the rules of sound thinking

These rules are our topic and this is logic

Therefore, I humiliate this knowledge that it protects us from falling into mistakes and spares us the problems in our lives.

Therefore, I will explain those rules in this article.

In the beginning, who is the first without knowledge in this science?

To know who founded this science

We find that Aristotle was the first to research and write in this science

And Aristotle is a Greek philosopher who wrote down the ancient logic

Who taught and taught by his disciples, and they are

He is a student of Plato

The teacher of Alexander the Great

He is the first to start in this science and without it.

As for the old logic, it is divided into two parts:

1 - Perceptions.

2- Ratifications.

I will know each section of them, but before defining it, I must clarify something very important in this science

We must know that this science is the basis of all sciences, especially in modern science

He is the god of knowledge and its measure

Why ?

Because he searches the mind, is it healthy or sick thought?

So I wanted to clarify this important point because it will be based on all the rules.

Now we will know the visualizations

What are the perceptions?

It is managing something with words inside the mind

Like a stone, like sleep, like a soul. All of these are perceptions within the soul, and it is the opposite of belief

You perceive that you perceive its images inside your mind with what your mind perceives

And if you see it in reality, it becomes credible and tangible

And entered here on the side of ratifications.

This is for the definition of perceptions.

The visuals have sections:

 necessary perception

And my vision

Necessary is an intuitive awareness that does not require thinking like the perception of existence

and other worlds

As for the theoretical perception, it is the non-intuitive perception that requires thinking like the perception of the soul

Who knows the truth

What is its color, what is its problem, and where are all these questions answered to the mind.

To search for her imagination.

The second part is ratifications

And validation in logic means full awareness of a cause

One of the issues that we judge with a comprehensive understanding of negation or proof

Likewise, ratifications are divided into necessary and theoretical

Those are its divisions, as explained in the visualizations.

There is something so important in logic that logic is only known by it: 

the five faculties :

The five faculties are one of the most important bases of conceptions in logic.

1 - sex.

2 - Chapter.

3 - type.

4 - own.

5- General presentation.

These five colleges, as I mentioned, are linked to the Department of Perceptions, which is the beginning of research in the science of logic.

As for the ratifications section, which is the thing that is confirmed and denied, it relates to cases that are singular for the word case

And the issue is defined

 In logic, it is a statement that can be true or false.

The case is divided into two parts:

pregnancy case

police case

Each section has its own definition

Pregnancy is the ruling in which something is affirmed for something or something is denied about something


As for the policewoman, it is the case in which he was sentenced with a condition and a restriction

Example for that:

If the sun is rising, then the day is there

Linked here condition for proof.

As for the logical thinking, which I would like to explain here, I find that following the rules of logic saves man from all these mistakes that he makes in solving problems in his life.

Why do people make mistakes in the first place?

I say that a person will do the following:

Because of his humanity, he is prone to error and shortcomings from himself.

Hasty in making judgments, this is a cause of error.

His passion prevails over his intellect, so that he puts his sympathies and instincts over his intellect

Here he will make mistakes, no doubt about that

He must, as I mentioned, follow the rules of sound thinking so that he does not fall into those mistakes

And any human being in this world has previously been taught ignorance. Before you learned, O human, you were ignorant, and after science, I realized the truth well. Man, with his knowledge and his theory, which he puts on the rules of thought, elicits the correct thought and knows the bad from the right.

This is the science of logic in a nutshell, as I explained, all of his research revolves around sound thought in order to reach man and think soundly.

Written by you Sohaib

Tusday  :           2022 - 11 - 01 

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM