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The purpose of science and research.. Getting to the truth of things With complete certainty..

                   Philosophy and the purpose of its study 


Hello everyone from wherever you are

anywhere in the world   

Today I will present to you an important topic

It is the main goal to reach the facts and their reality.

A topic about philosophy and its origins and what is the wisdom of studying it

And what are its divisions?

1- the first 

To begin with, we will begin by defining philosophy from its inception

Philosophy is the love of wisdom, and it means the study in which we search for existence, knowledge, reason, and human origins, and inferring this through questions.

Which we ask for ourselves and for senior researchers and scholars in this science.

Philosophy began in this existence and arose

At the Greeks thousands of years ago, their method was in the question they are looking to answer about the secret of this existence

What is the purpose of this existence and why does a person live in it?

Why did he turn to him?

Where will he go after this coming to this world, and here is the most important question

Because this is the fate of man and his end.

These are the most important questions that have been frequenting thinkers who are walking on the path of philosophy

These are the great thought in Greece, and they are:

Great thinkers and philosophers in ancient Greece:  

1-  Aristotle . 

2 - Socrates.

3 - Plato.

4 - Plotinus.

5 - Thales of Malta.

6 - Pythagoras.

7 - Anaxmander.

8 - Elie xenon.

9 - Epicurus of Samos.

10 - Lukebus.

11 - Anaxagoras.

12 - Parmenides.

These are the leaders of philosophical thought in Greece who searched for the origin of this world and each had a case that he navigated and dived into in order to finally reach the truth. Some of them searched for man.

And some of them search for the mind

And some of them discussed the reality of existence and what is the origin of this existence

And some of them researched human behavior, desires, and movement

Everyone has been occupied by a part of this great world and they searched in it in order to deduce the truth that is hidden from them and know its secret.

While they are in thought and philosophy sessions, you see them wondering

One of them asks the other

tell him

Why do you live?

The other thinks about the reality of his life

And he thinks...and thinks...and thinks

Then he answers him and says to him that he eats

And he asks him again... He says to him

Why are you eating?!!!

He finds no answer but that he eats to live

This is the life of philosophers who ask each other to reach the truth.

The main goal of philosophy is to reach this end

  Philosophy, in fact, has no other goal behind it

It is knowing the facts of things

It is the arrival with complete certainty after doubt to the truth after which there is nothing.

This is the thing that calls man to philosophize, his questions

Which responds to his mind and stands meditating and amazed at this world in which he lives who created it?

How did he become like this who moves all this from the sun, the moon, the stars and the seas

Who is moving?

This is an important question that prompts you to search for the truth

Doubt, then search, and then reach certainty

So the philosopher's life is based on doubt and certainty

And there is an important word for these philosophers about this

Namely: I doubt, then I exist. As long as I doubt, I must live to search for the truth, and if I reach the truth, I have reached certainty.

And certainty is the truth that does not accept disputes and doubts.

After all, a crazy person can't think like that

Rather, the person who searches, contemplates and questions is a wise and intelligent person

He wants to know the truth about him and the secret of his existence in that life

It is God who has honored man above all creatures

Honor him with the mind that thinks of him and distinguishes darkness from light

And falsehood is right

Without the mind, man would not think about the reality of his affairs, and vehicles and planes would not be invented

Cars, computers, and other devices

All of these are based on the mental aspect of the human being

From it, astronauts go to the moon and to other planets in this world.

A person must work his mind in order to recognize the truth that is hidden from him

And up to other sciences

And here he will be happy in his life and reassure his heart in the end

That is the purpose of philosophizing that you reach the sciences that will be written for you

Because you searched for the truth and reached it.

All of what I mentioned revolves around the human being in one of his sides

It is the most important aspect of a person, and it is the mental aspect

Which derives from the human mind, which is one of the most important and highest stages in the world

Human existence, which is the most important thing that explains to man and his existence in that life

And here is a theory, a proven fact, and not from a fantasy, so that you know, O human, your importance

What is the difference between you and other animals that live and do not wonder about their purpose and goals?

Because she does not think, does not reason, and does not reflect on the things around her.

These are all living things that do not think or meditate

And the one who gave this feature, which is thinking, is only human

Therefore, man is the master of this universe, and he is honored above all other creatures

And all creatures mocked him

You are the one who claims to be a petty crime

You are the one who has the greatest world in you

You are God's successor in his land

It is forbidden for anyone like you to attack you, kill you, and take your soul

Without reason and without right

Because you have rights and honor, and the angels prostrate to you in heaven

Man is God’s building, cursed is he who demolishes God’s building

This is the person who thinks, decides and questions

Happy and sad

It travels from place to place

Invent and design

It eats, drinks and grows

It is composed with people, addresses them, and deals

This is the person without knowledge

He traveled to space and dived into the depths of the sea

And he swept the air with the plane to cross from one country to another

From continent to continent, and from ocean to ocean

Because in the end he is the master of this universe.

Therefore, although he possesses everything in the universe,

And the whole universe to serve him

However, he always wonders about these important questions in the life of any person

It is one of the most important questions of psychological conflict within every human being

And the questions are:

Where did you come from ?

What is the truth of this existence?

Why did you come to him?

Why am I here in this existence?

Where will I go after this life?

What awaits me at the end of this life?

These are questions that any sane person should ask about

Because it relates to the secret of his existence and the fate that awaits him after death

And here I say that most philosophers revolve around these questions

Which they think of a real answer to it

There is no doubt that these questions are the focus of philosophical thinking

The purpose of philosophizing these philosophers

To get an honest answer to these questions

That explains their presence in that life

And determine their fate to which they will go.

Philosophy is as old as time, not modern, but from thousands of years ago, and it occupies the mind of man.

This is a simple definition and I made it clear to you about the philosophy and its purpose

The purpose of philosophizing and how it arose

It is the first to start it.

For clarification on philosophy

There will be other articles on this aspect

And I explain it to you

Sohaib wrote to you.


         October 31, 2022


A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM