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The human soul secrets and proven facts.

                         About the human soul 


-  The comprehensive definition of the human psyche 

It is the soul that carries the body that carries within it the soul, which is one of its secrets.

It is the source of movement for man, and it is what drives man to work and move towards his inclinations and desires

And the desires that make him rush to love survival and immortality in that life

And she loves to own everything. These are the basics of the soul and are completely connected to it

The definition of the final soul is that of the offspring of Adam, the father of mankind, and it is the one that God breathed into her from his soul and made her fiercely.

It consists of flesh, blood, bone, nerves, and movement that comes from the food you eat.

What you mentioned is a brief definition of the human soul.

2-  Scientists research it to find out  :

Scientists have searched inside the nose to get to know it and they have done a science that they study and deduce from it its secrets.

So write down this science, which is psychology, and it is a science that has divisions

There is no specific aspect that they searched only within the soul.

But they divided this science into several sections, which are as follows:

1- the first : -

definition of psychology :

It is a science that studies human behavior in terms of his inclinations and thinking

And his personality.

2-  the Second  :- 

Psychology departments: 

1 - Psychology of growth.

2 - Experimental psychology.

3 - Educational psychology.

4 - Clinical psychology.

5- Forensic psychology.

6 - Industrial psychology.

7 - Cognitive psychology.

8 - Forensic Psychology.

9 - Biological psychology.

10 - Social Psychology.

11 - Moral Psychology.

12 - Physical Psychology.

13 - Genetic psychology.

14 - Popular Psychology.

15 - Clinical Psychology.

These are all the departments of psychology that have been studied and researched by scientists in the past.

About the truth of the soul : 

There is no doubt about it, but a complete certainty of these 


  Because here we have proven and confirmed the reality of this soul, who moves it, what it consists of, what is the purpose of its creation, and what is its destiny after this life.

I cannot know the truth of this soul from a human being

  Because he is a creature, and no matter how much he learns, he remains ignorant of many things around him

But when I wanted to know the truth, I asked the one who created it, to know the truth of its creation

Let us all ask:

Why were we created?

From what are we created?

And what is the human soul?

What is the wisdom of its creation?

Is the soul sufficient for this life and convinced of it?

All these questions can never be answered

In any book but the Book of God that He revealed to us so that we may know the light, the guidance, and the truth that

We turn to him

Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:

  يأيها الناس إن كنتم في ريب من البعث فإنا خلقنكم من تراب ثم من نطفة ثم من علقة 

ثم  من مضغة مخلقة وغير مخلقة  لنبين لكم ونقر في الأرحام ما نشاء إلى أجل مسمى  

This verse introduced us to the reality of man from what he was created, how he was created, and the stages he went through in this life, so that we know here the truth of the human soul.

The human soul was created by God, and it is the offspring of our father Adam, and it came to that life

Through intercourse between a man and a woman

From the beginning of the sperm in a man until it meets with the woman’s egg and when it unites with it

The zygote is formed

Then it moves in the womb of a woman from a sperm to a leech to a lump, then bones, then the bones are covered with meat, then human beings come out to this life and go through the stages of childhood and then youth

Then he became old and incapacitated, and some people died and left that life in childhood and youth

These are the stages that the human soul goes through in this life.

I cannot know this on my own. Rather, the one who knew me and told me that is the Creator of the soul when I believed that He was the Creator and contemplated His words in His Book.

This is the truth that we must be certain of.

The soul consists of a body and a soul

Without the soul dies

There is no value for this body. It will become dead, has no movement, and has no value. With the passage of time, it erodes and decomposes, and there is no trace of it returning to what it was created for, which is dirt.

Thus every soul without the soul dies and perishes

So what is the truth of this soul and who deposited it in the soul?

The truth can only be known from the one who created the soul and others.

The evidence for this is the words of Allah in the Qur’an:

ثم سواه ونفخ فيه من روحه و جعل لكم السمع والأبصار و الأفئدة قليلاً ما تشكرون 


This is evidence that God is the one who created this human being and breathed into him of his spirit.

And brought her out to that life as a human being together.

And here, after we knew the truth of this human being, what it consisted of and who deposited the soul in it.

What do we conclude from all this?

Now we will look at her the world in which we live with all the people in it now

And they are all of them now

 7,000,000,000,000 people

They live all over the world blessed with women, children, old men and young men

All of these people are now living in this world

And you can't find a person like someone in shape, fingerprint and genetic code

Everyone is different, so who created all of these?

in this world

Is nature that reacted natural reactions!!

Did they find like this without finding them!!

both !!

He is the Creator who created them and created them and gave each person a specific shape that differs from the other

And when I see this, I am amazed and amazed when I am a Muslim

It springs from my tongue from this great thing

I say Glory be to Allah the Great.

You, me, and everyone else in this universe is another amazing creation

They are completely different from each other

Shape, sound, fingerprint and genetic code

Glory be to the photographer of all creatures of blood, bone and flesh

And you have nothing in that except to say Glory be to you, 

OAllah .

Yes, everything I mentioned is the truth that I believe in. We are all human beings created by God.

Here, my loved ones in America, Asia and Europe, I explained this truth to you

To calm our souls

Thank you all for reading this article

  About the human soul facts and secrets.

And if there is a mistake, tell me about it in your comments.

My name is: Sohaib

from Egypt

Young man now in 2022

I wrote to you today:

                 Sunday -

  October 30, 2022.

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM