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Human greed and the love of owning a lot of wealth . . Evidence and treatment .

               About the reality of self-greed    



First of all,

 I welcome you all from anywhere in the world.

I love you all because I want you to be happy in this life and I want you to seek

Always on the truth because the truth is nothing after it

Because after you know the truth, you will relieve yourself of anxiety and conflict within yourself.

And today we will learn about our topic about something inside all of our souls.

This thing we know and analyze is greed. And the love of owning a lot of money and wealth in our lives, this greed is in every soul that lives in this world

Why does the soul like to have a lot?

Why does the soul not convince with it?

 If we look at the answer to these questions after we have answered them,

We will know the truth of the greed that is in all of our souls

We will find out in the analysis here  .. 

If we look at the answer to these questions after we have answered them,

We will know the truth of the greed that is in all of our souls

We will know the truth in the analysis here

Let's first look at the reality of ourselves at the beginning of our coming to this life

Did we come with things when we came

Did we have a lot of money when we came?

Were we wearing clothes and shoes when we came?

the answer is no

We came and we don't have anything

We entered this life naked, knowing nothing about it

Then we owned things and grew up year after year until we reached the age of youth and realized the truth and struggled in life in order to obtain money and wealth.

And we own, we own, and then we own money and wealth

Which we didn't have before

Are we content with what we have?

The answer is no no

We are not satisfied with this because we want more and more

This is how everyone wants to own more and more

Until he is satisfied with what is inside him, this is how man is in every time and place

That is his truth

He is not satisfied and is not convinced, so what is the reason for that because he is not convinced and disgraced!!

The reason for this

that is the true

That if we came to a person and told him,

We will own half of the land with all that is on it

Is this enough for you?

to answer you no

He said I do not believe in that

And for whom is the other half?

I want the other half.

That is the truth of the soul that it is never convinced

You want more and more from the world

This is a fact, and the answer is a fact that does not think it is a fantasy or an illusion, that is the truth

I have every breath

If we ask someone else

And we said to him: We will possess the world and what is in it, so what do you think about that?

He would have answered you from within himself that the earth would not suffice him with what is on it

And he wants another planet to own him

Because the Earth is not enough for him, he wants to reach the moon and another planet

With what he owns

In the end, man has within him a greed that has no end, and this whole world is not sufficient for him, because within him there are vast and endless ambitions, and it is not sufficient for them ten times like the earth.

Don't get satiated at the end

What is the secret to that ?

We need to know the truth of the soul, what it is and why it is not convinced

And what is enough for her?

These are very important questions because they will eventually produce the truth for us

We know the secret hidden from us

To see if this soul is its true place in this life in which it lives on this earth

The answer is no

Because there is no soul before us for hundreds of years that has remained in this life, and it has vanished

And her life is over

This means that this life did not continue with you, rather the soul ended at a specific time and age. This is the reality of the soul in its life on this earth.

It has a limited life and ends after it, every soul will die and leave in the end

And the earth remains and is not finished

But in the end it will end and perish, so the earth will eventually perish because it has a limited life, and this is what geologists have reached in this world.

Specialists in the science of stratigraphy and minerals in the ground

When they searched for it, they found that everything inside the earth has an end, and the earth is after it

It will be destroyed and finished, that is the reality of the planet we live on

So the earth does not remain and it is finished

And you are also the end, and you have a fixed life, as you mentioned

Here I will return to the question we want answered

Why is the soul not satisfied or satisfied and always wants more and more...

The answer is that the soul was not created to survive in this life

Rather, it was created for what is after this life, and it is the Hereafter

In which is stable, immortality, heaven and its bliss

The soul was created for the afterlife, and therefore what is in this life is not sufficient for it

Because the greed that is in it is not sufficient for him except for what the Creator has prepared for it in the Hereafter

And it is henna, which is the greatest bliss, and we are here in a home for it

There is a punishment house for this act

So there is no greed, no struggle, no misery, no sadness

There is eternal bliss residing

In the abode of eternity, yet God calls out to those who enjoy it

That they have what they want in it, and we have more

Here we have come to know the reality of greed that it is not sufficient for him except with what the Creator has prepared for him

As for here, nothing of the world is enough for you

This is the truth that you must know well.

The world is the abode of passage to the hereafter

Therefore, the world is not sustainable and does not last

And as you came to her with nothing, she will come out of her with nothing.

This is the reality of life that you struggle with, it will end

What remains for you to cure the greed within you is to know your Creator

And you obey him.

To escape from torment and to be happy in your life.

This is the topic on which this important point was made

in our lives

It is the greed to know the cause

And we need to be content and satisfied with what we have, because nothing is sufficient for us except what God has prepared for us in the Hereafter

Nice to meet you, readers

And I wish you a happy life in that life

I salute you. Sohaib .

 Wednesday :     

                               2022 - 11 - 02 

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A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM