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The reality of existentialism, its goals, its origin, and its subject matter.


  •                            about existential philosophy     


    •  Welcome, my love, wherever you are from anywhere in the world.
    • Today I am writing about an important topic in philosophical thought
    • I research and explain to you the doctrine of existentialism, when it originated and what is its place
    • What are its goals, and what is the reality of this idea?
    • And first, we will know existentialism
    • What is existentialism?     

    • definition of existential

    • Existentialism is a materialistic doctrine or an intellectual trend that studies human existence
    • It is also the philosophical school that takes man as its subject.
    • Existentialism is that which recognizes tangible matter and denies what is behind it.
    • That is, they focus their goal on the reality in which they live, and their thought focuses on the human actions that come from it
    • Existentialism is its reality in ancient and modern in all its meanings, as it is said
    • They agree that existence precedes its essence, for the essence of a being is what it actually achieves through its existence, and that they say that it exists first, then its essence is determined.
    • Beginning with its existence, this doctrine focuses on human existence and only.

    • As for the origin of this thought, when it arose, and who originated this thought in the existential doctrine:

    • The origins of this doctrine :

    • Existentialism arose in the late nineteenth century, but it grew and emerged in the mid-twentieth century after the Second World War. This philosophy arose in Europe, and its philosophers concentrated in Denmark and France.
    • Among its founders is the philosopher: Søren Kierkegaard
    • These two philosophers are among the founders of the idea of ​​existentialism
    • This philosopher is from Denmark, a Christian of religion.
    • He lived only 42 years in his life.
    • Likewise, eminent philosophers also discussed this thought
    • Among them: Jean-Paul Sartre, Heidegger Kehr-Keggaard and Nietzsche
    • And with them are philosophers in France, the philosopher Michel
    • So is Karl Jaspers, a German philosopher
    • And Pascal Blaise, a French philosopher
    • Martin Buber is an Austrian philosopher whose religion is Jewish

    • These are the existential philosophers who research human existence and focus on its actions
    • These philosophers fully believe in human existence and consider it the starting point for every idea.
    • They also believe in philosophical theories and ancient religions that appeared in the Middle Ages and consider them to be absurd because they did not solve the human problem in his life.
    • It did not address the problem of anxiety and internal conflict within the human psyche, so they do not believe in their ideas.
    • They call for the absolute freedom of man and that he can prove his existence as he pleases
    • They do not believe in the existence of fixed values ​​that guide and control human behavior. Rather, a person has absolute freedom and must do what he wants. No person has the right to impose specific values ​​on others.
    • Existentialists have been influenced by other schools of thought, and they follow from:
    • I say that the two existents were affected by secularism and some of the movements that accompanied the European Renaissance and rejected religion and the church.
    • They were also influenced by the theory of Socrates, in which he said: Know yourself by yourself.
    • They were influenced by the Stoics who impose the supremacy of the elves on this existence.
    • This existentialism arose as a reaction to the authority of the church and its control over man, which is what is known as the authority of the church in Europe and they saw that it controls man in the name of religion
    • And they wanted to be liberated from this tyranny emanating from the Church, because they believed in absolute freedom, as it was explained in that.
    • Among their beliefs: that they see that man is the oldest thing in existence, and that before man was non-existence, and that his existence preceded his essence.

    • Existential philosophy is called by this name because it is concerned with the nature of existence and what is known as human existence.

    • Existentialism is the latest and oldest philosophical doctrine
    • It expresses the state of general anxiety that raged in the world after World War II in 1945
    • After this war, many people lived in a state of sadness and alone with themselves because of the losses they had suffered from this war. The responsibility and anxiety experienced by people during that stage is the most important meaning on which existentialism was formed and flourished. Therefore, the development of humanity is moving in the direction of existentialism and this

    • A major stage of its development in that era of the twentieth century
    • Likewise, existentialism is one of the oldest philosophical doctrines, because it is a philosophy that revolves around this existence, many of which are searching for an explanation and its path. 
    • Therefore, we say that it is as old as the ages.

    • And do not forget the founder of this existential doctrine and flourished, the Danish thinker Kierkegaard, who passed away in the middle of the nineteenth century
    • He laid the foundations of existentialism, for the center of his research on these foundations is man, and he described him as the singular self.
    • And he stopped at his major existential conditions that he researched and stopped at
    • Such as death, conflict, anxiety, sin, tendencies and instincts
    • Freedom, responsibility, and choice, and these are the major meanings of his life
    • On these foundations, Heidehr established, and with him Jaspers, these philosophers who walked on the foundations left to them by Kierkejord the Philosopher, the founder of Existentialism.
    • These are the ones who showed us this existential thought.

    • After him, Heidegger and Sartre followed the idea of ​​existentialism

    • As for the first, which is Martin Heidegger, a German philosopher, he is also one of the greatest existential philosophers.
    • Existentialism for him means existence in general
    • He saw himself as one of the phenomena of this existence
    • And he used to say about himself, I am a limited existence in time and space, I am here!!
    • Whoever searches for existence cannot forget that he is the most fundamental existence in this existence
    • We find here Heidegger has thoroughly researched existence and was not satisfied with himself only that it is existence, i.e. he did not prioritize essence over existence.
    • Unlike other philosophers, this is something that Heidegger distinguishes from others.

    • Man is the only one among the beings who comprehends that existence
    • Man is the subject of ontology
    • Because the understanding of existence is done by man and by man, this understanding is a kind of man’s existence himself.
    • And this world in which he is, which is existence, is a world of things and living things that arouse his interest, surround him and occupy him, as it is impossible to come to wood and scissors to cloth.
    • Here is an example to explain it.
    • Existence in the world is the existence of a referral of things to one another
    • A tool that does not refer to something is nothing
    • This is the meaning of existence for Heidegger
    • That is why a person must live in anxiety to know the reality of existence
    • Because people are naturally inclined to flee from nothingness
    • A great concern must awaken itself from this deterioration and neglect of the secret of existence.
    • To know by research and meditation the reality of his existence and what this existence is

    • As for the second philosopher, he will be the last philosopher to infer existentialism

    • He is Jean-Paul Sartre, a French philosopher and one of the pioneers of existential philosophy
    • in the last century
    • He has a principle in this philosophy that existence precedes essence
    • This means that man was created before his actions, and it is he who determines his actions before he came to this existence.
    • He followed the method of phenomenology established by Husserl and the Heider class
    • Appearance to him is the reality of the thing
    • Sartre glorified man and said that man always exists outside himself
    • Meaning that he designs outside himself possibilities and goals, and then there is no child other than the human world other than the world of human subjectivity.
    • And we conclude from Sartre’s doctrine of the relationship between the self and the other and the other. He is first a human being and not a thing, and man is a being around which things are organized in the world.

    • These are quick glimpses of existentialism, its most famous philosophers, and its origins.

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Thursday  :          2022 - 11 - 03 

A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM