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Conflict with the self causes and why the conflict with the self Between the time and the hottest?

                             لماذا تصارع نفسك من الداخل؟

                            هل تعلم لماذا تتصارع مع نفسك؟

اهلا بكم جميعا ايها الاصدقاء اهلا بكم

أحييكم وأرحب بكم وأتمنى لكم حياة سعيدة في هذه الحياة

سأقدم لكم موضوعًا مهمًا ، وأعتبر هذا الموضوع موضوعًا مهمًا في حياتنا كأفراد ، وهذا الموضوع يتعرض له أي شخص في حياته

الموضوع هو:

الصراع مع الذات ولماذا تصارع نفسك من الداخل

هذا هو الموضوع الذي سنحلله ونصفه اليوم بالتفصيل

من أجل معرفة أسباب هذا الصراع

في البداية كما اعتدت أن أكون في موضوعاتي السابقة

أن نعرف هذا الموضوع

هنا نحتاج إلى معرفة معنى كلمة تعارض

ماذا تعني كلمة الصراع؟

So we say that the conflict is a permanent conflict between two parties that results from the inner desires in the repressed soul, as well as from the lack of access to the truth of the life in which the soul lives, as well as complete ignorance of the fate that the soul returns to after that life.

All these struggles push the soul to questions, confusion and anxiety

And this is what explains the reason for the struggle with the soul in the beginning.

This is the comprehensive definition that prevents conflict with oneself

Why do we wrestle with ourselves?

For self-motivated reasons for anxiety within the self

Or fear of a future that can not be faced

But we need to mention here

Five reasons for the struggle with the self from the inside

They are:

1- Feeling guilty when a mistake is committed by oneself

Not knowing the reason for the occurrence of these mistakes leads to a struggle with the self

Search for solutions to prevent these errors from occurring.

2- Fear of the unknown and lack of clear knowledge of the fate of that soul after death. This motivates a great struggle with the soul to find a solution to that unknown fate.

which you do not know yourself.

3- Passing through the beautiful moments in which she was comforting herself and being happy with herself

In her happiest times when she was enjoying herself after this happiness passed

Here the soul wrestles with itself and searches for an answer to the reason for the passage of those moments

Happy with oneself.

4- Not knowing the reality of this world, what is wrong with it, the purpose of our existence in it, and whether there is life after that life. This is a fundamental cause of conflict with oneself.

Rather, it is one of the most important reasons for conflict with the self, because the soul here is ignorant of the reality of its existence and why it lives in this world

This is the cause of anxiety and conflict

5- Despair and frustration with life or with a specific thing that leads to a struggle with the self over the thing that has been frustrated and that has led to a feeling of indifference.

These are the reasons for the internal conflict with the self that the self disputes about

Here we wonder

And we know the truth more and more in order to reach the truth that we must know.

سنعرف أن الروح لم تخلق من أجل هذه الحياة ، بل من أجل الحياة الآخرة

لأننا كنا سكان السماء ثم نزلنا إلى الأرض

في هذه الحياة ، نحن في مرحلة الاختبار والامتحان

وإذا جعلت الروح هذه الحقيقة ، فإنها ستعيش في قلق مستمر ونضال لا نهاية له

هذه هي حقيقة الصراع المحتوم

لذلك نجد الروح التي عرفت حقيقة هذا الوجود

وعرفت من أين أتت ومن أين ستجدها مطمئنة

لأنها عرفت الحقيقة التي ستذهب إليها

هذا موقفي باختصار حول الصراع مع الروح.

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A Man Muslim I studied psychology and philosophy. 32 Age Now 2022 I started here Sunday . 2022 - 10 - 30 4 : 00 - AM